Press Release


January 10, 2024

MERLIN Properties and Edged Expand Global Reach of New Barcelona Data Center with Connections to Barcelona Cable Landing Station, EXA and Axent

The ultra-efficient, carrier-neutral data center offers customers secure fiber connections to locations around the world through a massive, high-speed network

Axent CCO Peng Yan and Edged Global Account Executive Ron Kolber

NEW YORK, NY (January 10, 2024) — MERLIN Properties and Edged Energy announced today agreements with Barcelona Cable Landing Station (CLS), Exa and Axent for their new state-of-the-art, carbon neutral data center located in Barcelona, Spain. The agreements mark an important milestone as MERLIN Properties, the Iberian Peninsula’s leading developer and operator of green real estate assets, and Edged, a sustainable data center infrastructure technology company, recently started operations at the world-class facility.

Centrally located at the Port of Barcelona near downtown, the MERLIN Edged data center offers 16 MW of critical load capacity, consumes no water for cooling and is powered by 100% renewable energy. The facility is uniquely designed for both energy and water efficiency with a guaranteed Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) of 1.15 and an advanced waterless cooling system built to handle the dense AI-driven loads that are reshaping the IT industry while conserving Spain’s scarce water resources.

“We are proud to be part of Spain’s fast-growing digital economy and to partner with leaders in the data carrier, networking and telecommunications industries to expand the region’s reach and connection opportunities,” said Bryant Farland, Chief Executive Officer for Edged. “Our customers can feel confident they are connected to a secure, high-speed, on-demand network with established redundancies that ensure their data can reliably and instantaneously reach markets in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.”

The MERLIN Edged data center’s Meet Me Room directly connects to the Barcelona Cable Landing Station, providing customers with a high-connectivity bridge between the western Mediterranean and major and emerging markets worldwide. Barcelona CLS offers strategic connections to what will soon be the largest and fastest subsea cables in the world (2 Africa cable and Medusa cable respectively).

MERLIN Edged customers also have access to additional subsea cables and terrestrial networks through connections with EXA and Axent. EXA’s network spans over 142,000 kilometers with routes extending throughout Europe and North America. Axent further amplifies local connections with high-speed routes throughout Spain, Portugal and France.

“We are seeing incredible growth and investment in IT and digital infrastructure across the Iberian Peninsula,” said Miguel Angel Acero, Chief Operations Officer for Barcelona CLS. “The Barcelona Cable Landing Station is proud to be the area’s go-to connection spot, and we are honored to work with companies like MERLIN Properties and Edged who are combining top-tier performance and global connectivity with innovative technology and sustainable design. The connection to the new facility was made possible thanks to Barcelona CLS existing redundant metro fiber ring, which adds significant network route diversity for the MERLIN Edged data center.”

In addition to their Barcelona data center, MERLIN Properties and Edged have launched a network of waterless, carbon neutral data centers across the Iberian Peninsula. Construction is complete and operations have begun at their data centers near Bilbao and Madrid. Construction will break ground on an up to 100 MW campus in Lisbon, Portugal as soon as the license is granted (expected in early 2024).

About Edged
Edged is a vertically integrated global platform of on demand data centers. Its operations are carbon and water neutral. Edged is an Endeavour company. For more information, visit Endeavour is an innovation platform purpose built to support the reliable, rapid growth and sustainable operations of global cloud and logistics companies. It develops and scales distributed energy, water and IT infrastructure with cloud companies. For more information, visit

About MERLIN Properties
MERLIN Properties SOCIMI, S.A. (MC:MRL) is the largest real estate company trading on the Spanish Stock Exchange. Specializing in the acquisition and management of commercial property in the Iberian region. MERLIN mainly invests in offices, logistics facilities, shopping centers and data centers within the Core and Core Plus segments, forming part of the benchmark IBEX-35, Euro STOXX 600, FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Global Real Estate, GPR Global Index, GPR-250 Index, MSCI Small Caps, and DJSI indices. Please visit to learn more about the company.

About Axent
Axent is a carrier neutral wholesale operator for connectivity services in the backbone, backhaul and access segments. With more than 5,500 kms of buried optical fiber network, provides connectivity services to the main data centres and CLS in Spain and offers international connectivity to France and Portugal.

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