Press Release


November 18, 2022

Meet New Senior Sales Director, Christian Dicker

Christian Dicker began his journey at Edged in October 2022. Since then, he’s been working on projects that not only inspire his personal values, but cater to his past professional experiences working in sustainable technologies.

Christian, Edged is excited to have you as a part of the team. Please tell us a little about yourself and your new role.  

“Hello, my name is Christian Dicker. I’m from Dallas, Texas, USA. My family and I live in the North Dallas area and have been here for about 2.5 years. My wife and I have 4 children: two older boys both out of college and off doing their own thing. Our third son is a junior in high school and our daughter is in the 4th grade. We are an active family with ice hockey for our son and cheer for our daughter. I love to cycle and have been putting in the miles on my road bike. I’m excited to be leading the sales initiative at Edged Energy. This is a great group of very talented professionals and I’m humbled to be included.”

Why did you decide that Edged was a good fit for your next career move?

“We are bringing to market a very different data center platform than what’s available today throughout the industry. New locations, a new brand, an experienced team of professionals as my peers. It’s a perfect fit for what I’ve wanted to be part of throughout my career.”

There’s a big push within larger organizations to produce more “sustainable infrastructure.” Do you think the Endeavour ecosystem is on track to meeting this goal in the near future?

“Yes! The Endeavour companies and the associated technologies position Edged Energy as a leader in the space. Global digital infrastructure is growing at an unprecedented pace and scale. Geo-political and economic forces are driving the consumption of digital services. The Edged Energy platform allows our customers to repurpose our sustainability initiatives as their own making our product a more attractive option for data center capacity.”

What inspires you to work for a company like Edged in the sustainability and environmental space?

“The opportunity to represent something different and unique while supporting a rapidly growing industry.”

Lastly, if this can be said, what’s the most notable project that you’re excited to work on while employed at Edged this year?

“One of the domestic data centers that Edged Energy is launching will be truly the first of its kind on the planet. It’s exciting to be part of. Stay turned for what, when, and where!”

To learn more about Edged and its data center technologies, visit  

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